Refreshing product photos with Uncle Brutha’s ALLSAUCE

When I reconnected with the creator of Uncle Brutha’s ALLSAUCE, to say I was excited would be an understatement.

This award winning, gourmet sauce brand needed some new product photos and other creative assets to post on various social platforms.

overhead image of gourmet hot sauce on a wooden table surrounded by ginger, garlic and fresh herbs.

For this creative product photography session, we decided to focus on vertical assets, which included several photos in different styled scenes, a fun gif and 60 second video that showcases how the ALLSAUCE can be used to prepare quick and easy meals.

To get this amazing and flavorful sauce delivered to your door, check out the website here.

If your food brand needs help bringing your creative vision to life, contact us. We’d be happy to help!


Food Photographer, Recipe Developer, and Food Stylist - Do you need to hire all of them